Wednesday, July 7, 2010

One Piece Ch. 591 - You Sure That's Alright?


So after the very casual opening page of Rayleigh and Crocus relaxing and unwinding in a hot spring, Oda dives straight into the plot and low and behold, Rayleigh's back! He left his vivre card with Shakky so that the Straw Hats could make it back safely to Saboady and he could travel freely. Then it seems that Jinbei knows Rayleigh and is quite shocked to see him.

Luffy's trademark Straw Hat is given back to him by Rayleigh so that solves the mystery of how he'd get it back. After a brief interlude of Law's crew, we are thrown back to Amazon Lily where it's revealed that Rayleigh knows Gloriosa (or Elder Nyon as we know her), as well as Hancock and her two sisters. Hancock is oblivious to Rayleigh and just focuses on Luffy yet again and it takes her a while to realise that Rayleigh is indeed on their island. Suddenly we are thrown into a small flashback of Kuma saying that he wanted to help the Straw Hats escape and that he has no more time left. Shakky also reveals that she knows exactly why Hancock helped Luffy and that her woman's intuition was completely correct. Rayleigh suggests an idea that would help Luffy but of course before we can see what it is, we see Usopp.

Now Usopp has been living on Boin Archipelago it's seen that he's grown quite fat which is a hilarious twist on his sub plot! He keeps on trying to fight monsters which are clearly more powerful than him and always getting beaten down. But it doesn't stop him and he keeps going, trying to get off the island. It is then shown that the island is actually a carnivorous plant known as the "Stomach Baron". Usopp then pulls a "Coby" face revealing that he has to get back to Luffy and help him through this terrible time or he can't be a part of his crew which is very noble of him.

We the turn to Chopper, who has smoothed things out between the giant birds and the humans in Torino Kingdom. Again Chopper is getting ready to leave as he's heard about Luffy's situation, showing how the two most cowardly members of the crew are showing initiative and trying to help Luffy. Chopper leaves on a giant bird, ready to go back when he reads something in a newspaper to do with Luffy, leaving us at a cliffhanger before we can find out.


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