Saturday, October 31, 2009

Naruto Ch. 469 - Sakura's Confession



Well I must say I was happy with how the chapter started off, directly into the Kisame vs. Hachibi fight. But with the title that the chapter got, i was slightly concerned on how this chapter would develop. The little taste of Danzo's fleeing that we got didn't really interest me at all. I just get the feeling that Kishi is trying to fill in the gaps with these small little shorts before the true intent of the chapter is revealed. I was happy that there was some movement on the Kage's front, but again the movement is only a small step forward.

Now on to the true intent of the chapter, so Sakura reveals that she's in love with Naruto. Who else was suspicious. I think this was a brave move on Sakura's part but as brave as it was, it was at least 10 times selfish. I didn't think it was right to toy with Naruto's emotions like that, even if it was to save him from the effort of finding Sasuke. But without that, there would be no plot now would there?

On the topic of confessions, where has Hinata been all this time? And does Naruto even remember that she confessed?? Honestly, Naruto's plot has been all over the place lately, I wonder if it's really going to go anywhere.
Thursday, October 29, 2009

Tokyo International Manga Library

A small little update here from myself before the weekend manga chapters come rolling around. So I heard a couple of days ago that the International Tokyo Manga Library had officially been given the green light to start work on. juts another reason for me to visit Japan now!

Meiji University in Tokyo, Japan plans to house 2 million items of manga, anime, games, and other media which are all going to be archived in it's Surugadai campus. Doujinshi as well as game software, artwork, game consoles and more can also be found there.

So when will this fantastic library open?? Well we'll have to wait until at least 2014 when it's schedualed to open, that is if production goes smoothly. Let's all hope it does!
Thursday, October 22, 2009

One Piece Ch. 561 - Luffy vs. Mihawk



Well Oda never fails to disappoint does he? We never thought that we'd be seeing Luffy vs. Mihawk, he was always Zoro's opponent. But now? Even though it wasn't a huge fight it was enough to take our breath away. I like the fact that we also got updates on the other fights as well. Such as Crocodile vs. DoFlamingo, even though it was only a page and a half, we still get the feeling as if this war is going somewhere. And I'm glad that there's still humour involved like Buggy getting trapped in Crocodile's "Sables". Ha, he doesn't have much luck does he? I must admit I was scared for Luffy for a little bit there, but Whitebeard knew exactly the right time to send one of his men in.

Of course after all that fighting, nothing could have prepared us for the ending of that chapter. And it's not that fact that Ace could get beheaded any minute. No, now a whole bunch of Kuma's (Pacifista's) have turned up, ready to execute anyone or anything in their way! For a while I was hoping that the Mugiwara crew mystically reunited and found a way to reach Luffy but when I saw that panel of Kuma's... well I just hope next week comes soon...

Bleach Ch. 379 - No True Answer



Firstly I must compliment the colour spread that was included in this chapter. I loved the Halloween theme as I'm sure many other readers did. This chapter basically continues on with the Yami vs. Ichigo fight. Although now Ichigo is finding it harder and harder to control his hollow mask as it's getting heavier and heavier. Honestly, we all saw it coming that something was going to happen so that Ichigo wouldn't be able to battle Yammy at 100%. I am glad that we get to see Ichigo fight again, god knows it's been too long but am I the only one who wants this arc to be over and done with?? I mean it's been going on for ages! Times up already, time to move on to the next arc.

I must say that at least this fight isn't developing as slowly as the others did. I'm glad there's a little more plot to this fight. I'm glad that Kenpachi and Byakuya finally turned up. Hopefully with those two there Yami can finally be finished off and we can all move on with our lives.

***FYI to all my readers, I decided to stop writing summaries for these chapters because it doubles the amount of work I have to do and lately I need to cut down on my leisure time as exams are coming up. So if enough readers really want them then I may bring back the summaries for each chapter but for now I'll just be writing summaries for anime's.
Monday, October 19, 2009

Armageddon Expo

Ok so I thought I'd take little detour from reviewing the latest Naruto and Bleach chapters (cause let's face it, they're not going anywhere notable anytime soon) and talk about a recent experience I had during the Armageddon Expo.

So first of all, everyone will be dying to know... What is the Armageddon Expo?? It's an exhibition that visits Melbourne, Australia once a year. Not to mention Sydney and various cities in New Zealand. It's a fantasy and gaming exhibition and a fantastic one at that.

Now what makes Armageddon so special you ask. Clearly it has its competitors. Supanova, the massive pop culture expo and Manifest, the biggest anime festival in Melbourne. Well even though Armageddon is the novice of the three, it brought quite a bit to its expo this year.

The guests that they managed to round up were fantastic. Seth Green of 'Robot Chicken' fame was there to sign autographs and tell a little more about 'Robot Chicken'. Not to mention Dante Basco more commonly known as 'Prince Zuko' from the famous animation 'Avatar: The Last Airbender' was there signing autographs as well. Other notable actors and voice actors include Olivia Hack (Avatar: the Last Airbender), Greg Cipes (Teen Titans), Sean Schememmel (Dragonball Z) and Noah Grey-Cabey (Heroes).

The day itself was very enjoyable. Wasn't hard getting in and many brilliant traders were there selling all their goods at discount prices. Of course I had to take advantage of this and bought 3 manga volumes, 2 anime movies, Animaverics (a Melbourne anime magazine), quite a few fan arts and last but not least a replica of Ichigo's sword from Bleach. The convention was a huge success and the planners planned it out very well indeed. I cannot wait until next year!
For now I shall leave you with a picture of myself and an awesome cosplayer dressed up as Trucy from the brilliant point-and-click game "Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney". Enjoy!

Asia Engineer - Eternal Pose (Short)

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I'm a full-time student and part-time reviewer of anime and manga. I try to review as much as I can but sometimes it's hard to because life catches up with me. If you have any requests of any anime/manga/video games/fanart that you would like reviewed, please send me a message and I'll review them as soon as possible!! ^_^
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