Thursday, October 22, 2009

One Piece Ch. 561 - Luffy vs. Mihawk



Well Oda never fails to disappoint does he? We never thought that we'd be seeing Luffy vs. Mihawk, he was always Zoro's opponent. But now? Even though it wasn't a huge fight it was enough to take our breath away. I like the fact that we also got updates on the other fights as well. Such as Crocodile vs. DoFlamingo, even though it was only a page and a half, we still get the feeling as if this war is going somewhere. And I'm glad that there's still humour involved like Buggy getting trapped in Crocodile's "Sables". Ha, he doesn't have much luck does he? I must admit I was scared for Luffy for a little bit there, but Whitebeard knew exactly the right time to send one of his men in.

Of course after all that fighting, nothing could have prepared us for the ending of that chapter. And it's not that fact that Ace could get beheaded any minute. No, now a whole bunch of Kuma's (Pacifista's) have turned up, ready to execute anyone or anything in their way! For a while I was hoping that the Mugiwara crew mystically reunited and found a way to reach Luffy but when I saw that panel of Kuma's... well I just hope next week comes soon...


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