Saturday, October 31, 2009

Naruto Ch. 469 - Sakura's Confession



Well I must say I was happy with how the chapter started off, directly into the Kisame vs. Hachibi fight. But with the title that the chapter got, i was slightly concerned on how this chapter would develop. The little taste of Danzo's fleeing that we got didn't really interest me at all. I just get the feeling that Kishi is trying to fill in the gaps with these small little shorts before the true intent of the chapter is revealed. I was happy that there was some movement on the Kage's front, but again the movement is only a small step forward.

Now on to the true intent of the chapter, so Sakura reveals that she's in love with Naruto. Who else was suspicious. I think this was a brave move on Sakura's part but as brave as it was, it was at least 10 times selfish. I didn't think it was right to toy with Naruto's emotions like that, even if it was to save him from the effort of finding Sasuke. But without that, there would be no plot now would there?

On the topic of confessions, where has Hinata been all this time? And does Naruto even remember that she confessed?? Honestly, Naruto's plot has been all over the place lately, I wonder if it's really going to go anywhere.


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