Thursday, October 29, 2009

Tokyo International Manga Library

A small little update here from myself before the weekend manga chapters come rolling around. So I heard a couple of days ago that the International Tokyo Manga Library had officially been given the green light to start work on. juts another reason for me to visit Japan now!

Meiji University in Tokyo, Japan plans to house 2 million items of manga, anime, games, and other media which are all going to be archived in it's Surugadai campus. Doujinshi as well as game software, artwork, game consoles and more can also be found there.

So when will this fantastic library open?? Well we'll have to wait until at least 2014 when it's schedualed to open, that is if production goes smoothly. Let's all hope it does!


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Asia Engineer - Eternal Pose (Short)
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I'm a full-time student and part-time reviewer of anime and manga. I try to review as much as I can but sometimes it's hard to because life catches up with me. If you have any requests of any anime/manga/video games/fanart that you would like reviewed, please send me a message and I'll review them as soon as possible!! ^_^
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