Friday, August 28, 2009

One Piece Ch. 555 - Oars and the Conical Hat


Cover story - Nami's adventure in 'Weatheria' begins.

Oars attacks all of the marines ships, swearing that he will save Ace. Ace cries to Oars to stop as he'll only become a target. Oars manages to open a path into the bay for Whitebeard's crew so they charge in. Boa Hancock fights back against both Pirates and Marine stating she agreed to be a part of the battle against Whitebeard, but never said she would ally herself with the Marines. Kuma shocks Oars with his attack: Ursus Shock. A flashback of the relationship between Ace and Oars then occurs and shows that Ace created the hats that Oars wears to protect him from the weather. DonFlamingo then cuts off one of Oars' legs and Moria strikes him in the back just as Oars was about to reach Ace.


On to the cover story first: So it's finally Nami's turn. I wonder what 'Weatheria' will hold in store for her? The wizard seems to be pointing to a sheet and asking for them. Maybe he's looking for parts?? I really hope Nami comes out of this with a new and improved Clima Tact because that would be really cool.

Now to the main story: What a jam packed chapter. I enjoyed seeing Oars fight for Ace that much. I enjoyed seeing that element of 'Never giving up' put in action again after all the negativity that Ace has given off. I must say, I really am missing Luffy throughout these chapters. But I do understand that we should have the opportunity to Ace's relationship with his crew without Luffy.

Boa Hancock really kicked ass in this chapter. Her attacks are amazing. I'm glad that she stated that she isn't an ally of the Marines. Shows us just what kind of power a Shichibukai has.

The bond between Ace and Oars was really portrayed very well throughout the chapter thanks to the flashback. I must say, I really hope Oars is not dead, he came so close!


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