Thursday, September 3, 2009

One Piece Ch. 556 - Justice Will Prevail



Cover Story - Nami's adventure in Weatheria ends.

Oars is down and out thanks to the Shichibukai. As Whitebeard mourns the loss of his comrade, Vice Admiral Ronse tries to catch him off guard but Whitebeard is too quick and manages to attack Ronse before any damage affects him. As Whitebeard urges his men to push past Oars and keep fighting, DoFlamingo uses his Devil Fruit to do some damage to the 13th Division Captain. Meanwhile, Coby and Helmeppo are trying not to get too involved in the battle. DoFlamingo then states that whichever side wins this battle will gain justice. Whitebeard's crew keeps on fighting while Garp goes up to see Ace and asks why didn't he live. Luffy and co. ship finally goes flying past and they fall out of the ship, leaving them all free falling down to earth.


The cover story: Nami seems intrigued as she's watching Weatheria's weather science in action. Could it be possible that she may gain some sort of new power here? I hope so!

Now the Main Story: Well the battle is still in full action. Oars is down for the count as many predicted so that wasn't much of a twist. I do wish that we see more of Whitebeard's power as we are still only getting snippets of it. I enjoyed seeing Coby and Helmeppo again but I think that they should have a slightly larger part. Hopefully that opportunity comes along once Luffy enters the fight. DoFlamingo's speech really intriugued me. He is right and because of that speech, the stakes seem alot more higher for the winners of this battle. I'm really glad Garp showed up and showed some emotion. Ace why didn't you live??? A very tear jerking part I thought. But I do love how Oda always uses comedy when you least expect it and Luffy and the rest of the gang falling out of the ship was priceless!! Ahh but finally, Luffy's returned!!!!!! About time!!! Now when's the next chapter coming out??


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