Thursday, February 18, 2010

One Piece Ch. 575 - Wordless Rage


So the world is in shock. Fire Fist Ace is dead. Seeing the whole world in shock like that just reinforces what a big impact Ace's deathhas onwhole entire pirating world. Now we were all wondering what Luffy would do in this chapter and honestly, it's not all that surprising that he's mentally collapsed. Akainu moves in for the kill but Commander Marco steps in saving Luffy's life. I like what he states here, "That boy's life... is now what remains of Ace's will!" To see that everyone is doing whatever they can to save Luffy just reinforces how important Ace was to them.

Now the most awesome panel... seeing Whitebeard own Akainu. Many Ace fans waited so long for this moment and it was fantastically well drawn. Although Akainu fights back, almost melting most of Whitebeard's face we can expect Whitebeard to leave that fight unharmed. To see the marine HQ crumble so easily and to see what Whitebeard is still capable of is amazing. It crumbled like nothing and to see Whitebeard state "I'm not done yet" would make anyone freak whether they are friend or foe.

Now it's weird that the Marines never noticed that big giant behind the HQ building but I guess that's the way the chapter rolls. Suddenly the panel switches to something above the execution platform. And low and behold it's Blackbeard with his new and improved crew. I enjoyed how Oda keeps the arc moving at a good pace and to see Blackbeard back really raises some new questions. Sadly we have to wait for 2 weeks until we find out what his new crew does and if he will finally get rid of Whitebeard.
Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Naruto Ch. 483 - Master and Student Reunited

Kakashi is still after Sasuke and Sakura like he was last chapter, so no change there. He finds Kiba, Akamaru, Sai and Rock Lee who have been poisoned with sleeping powder. Kakashi manages to get some information out of Kiba before he falls back into a deep sleep. Now on to Sakura. I think she did the stupidest thing trying to come after Sasuke as he obviously won't listen to her and she doesn't have the guts to kill him on her own. She couldn't even kill Karin (who, by the way, is still surprisingly alive. How??) without her conscience stopping her.

I find Sasuke really shows off how evil he has become in this chapter. I mean we always knew he was fighting for revenge but this chapter really shows how he's been consumed in a psychotic way. First of all the fact that he really was going to kill Sakura. I mean we all knew he would do it but with such intent? Kakashi intervening was the only good thing that happened to Sakura this chapter.

Next would be Sasuke's expressions and reactions on pages 14-15. Kishi has really shown that Sasuke has become consumed by his hate for Konoha and basically looks like he's becoming mentally unstable. I'm glad Kakashi stepped into the fight and made it his because I am really looking forward to it. Sasuke is already weak, he can't possibly be able to fight Kakashi, or Naruto for that matter who is heading towards them. I hope Kishi draws the fight well and doesn't pull any unbelievable stunts. Otherwise next week's chapter will be pathetic.
Wednesday, February 10, 2010

One Piece Ch 574 - *Title removed because of MAJOR SPOILAGE!!!*


*Ok seriously MAJOR spoilers ahead - that's why I've censored the name of this chapter. So please please do not read if you hate spoilers. I know I warn people every week but I don't want to be the cause of spoiling this chapter for you. So please only read if you have read chapter 574!!!*


So where we last left Ace Akainu had thrust his fist into his stomach. So it's not looking good. Seeing the shocked faces of everyone is heart wrenching. So now everyone is after Akainu and Garp's face and reaction is devastating. As Akainu tries to move in for the kill on Ace, Jimbei interferes and I must say his monologue here is fantastic. The panel itself was well drawn and the dialogue was brilliant.

Now Garp's anguish and anger here is expected and as he says "... I'm going to murder... that Sakazuki..." is again, heart wrenching. Vista and Marco using Haki on Akainu was fantastic and at least they were able to immobilise him for at least a few minutes.

And now we move to Luffy and Ace. I liked how Oda made the rest of the battle seem to fade out and just centered in on these two. Ace's monologue here is brilliant. It is a work of art. The mini flashbacks that Ace is having is not a good sign but reinforces how tortured Ace was as a child and how he overcome all of that to become a great pirate. Pages 14-15 got me. Ace's expression here was very well drawn. I know I've used the word brilliant a lot but it was brilliantly drawn. Finally Ace's life has come to an end and it came to an end like a true D. With a smile on his face. Luffy's face of anguish is devastating but I loved how Oda ended the chapter with Ace's birth. It just added even more anguish to the death.

Now I hope I've done this review justice and I hope all of you enjoyed reading it. For those of you who read the review without reading the actually chapter I'm sorry but I did warn everyone. The next 2 reviews will be coming soon so stay tuned.
Tuesday, February 9, 2010

AMV Review - Azumanga Daioh: Shameless Rhapsody

AMV of the week

Ok a new AMV of the week. So this week's AMV comes from the anime Azumanga Daioh and the song is 'Bohemian Rhapsody' by Queen. The AMV is named "Shameless Rhapsody" and was edited by Richard Marshal.

Now there are not any major effects or transitions used in this AMV, only the occasional fade in/out. That's what I like about this AMV, it's simple. It doesn't rely on effects to make it simple, just good old comic timing. And speaking of timing it was very well done here. The creator made sure that every character had their own contribution in the video and that's what I liked, it wasn't all based on one character, rather the whole entire cast of Azumanga Daioh and their antics.

Bohemian Rhapsody is an anthem, so if you're going to use such a popular song for an AMV you'd better make sure that the song suits the AMV. The opening line "Is this the real life, is this just fanatsy" suits Azumanga Daioh because the anime is all about the characters being so caught up inn their own little worlds that they sometimes forget what reality is all about, in a comical way of course. I found it created a whole new meaning to Azumanga Daioh, while keeping the whole slice of life genre in check.

The theme of this AMV is clearly comedy. If the creator aims were to make us laugh with their comic timing and then they certainly did their job. I loved how it brought out the innocence of Chiyo-chan and Osaka as well as how annoying Tomo is. Definitely well thought out and done!
Friday, February 5, 2010

One Piece Ch. 573 - The Current Age is Named Whitebeard


Whitebeard vs. The Navy. A fight we all knew was coming but we never wanted to accept. So as all of Whitebeard's sons struggle to conceive the fact that their father is willing to sacrifice himself for them the Navy keep on trying to win the battle. Sengoku and Garp appear to be alive and I liked their comments about Whitebeard.

I always love how Oda will break a chapter up if it's getting too intense. The page with Buggy trying to broadcast his "coolness" was a fantastic diversion from the intense battle that was raging on. I loved the public reaction after Buggy announced himself. It was priceless!

Back to Ace, his bowing down to Whitebeard was a great scene. The amount of respect that Ace showed to Whitebeard shows that he really was truly loved. Though at the same time I just wanted him and Luffy to get out of there otherwise something bad would happen. And sure enough the marine "Red Dog" shows up and insults Whitebeard. Ace's love for Whitebeard as well as his love for his brother is tested here. But to see Ace get burnt for Luffy was heartbreaking. So after this whole arc the question still remains. Will Ace live?

Bleach Ch. 391 - The Blazing Glaciers


So Komamura falls along with Love. Very much expected by Aizen who is still undefeated. To see Aizen deflect these attacks so easily gives us the annoying impression that the Shinigami and Vizard's either aren't trying that hard or are way out of their league. That would be unfortunate as I don't want everything to fall on Ichigo's shoulders again who always ends up being unbelievably strong.

I was happy to see that they didn't just hand the fight over to Ichigo. Even though Lisa ended up joining Komamura and Love at least she attempted to kill Aizen. I found Soi Fon standing up to Aizen very admirable but I had mixed feelings about the clones. The negative aspect was that it reminded me a little too much of Naruto, but the positive aspect was that it was able to distract Aizen while Hitsugaya was able to capture him using his Bankai.

Now I enjoyed seeing Aizen's face filled with shock. That is one emotion that I have waited to see for far too long upon his face. The teamwork between Kyoraku, Soi Fon and Hitsugaya was unbeliveably amazing in this chapter and I believe I enjoyed this chapter a lot more because of that. However I do feel it would be pretty pathetic if that was the end of Aizen (even though I feel this arc has gone on for way to long already). I don't think he's the type to let a sword get the better of him so I guess we'll have to wait and see next chapter.
Thursday, February 4, 2010

Naruto Ch. 481 - Danzou's Death



So, Sasuke finally got rid of Karin. I’m happy that someone finally died, especially since it was Karin. I felt that Sasuke would eventually get rid of her as she was holding him back.

Moving on to Danzou’s story, it was interesting to see the relationship between him and Sarutobi. Danzou was obviously the underdog in their relationship so I suppose this was Kishi’s last attempt to make us feel some sort of sympathy towards him. I guess it sort of worked as his death felt more significant now that we knew a little more about him.

I didn’t like how Sakura was going to handle the Sasuke situation. She still doesn’t know that she is biting way more off than she can chew. I’m glad that Sai and the rest of the boys decided to stop her because she was have gotten owned. I really do want to know which of the Sai’s is the fake because if the one with Sakura isn’t then that would make for an interesting fight.

I’m excited to see Sasuke and Madara finally enter Konoha, definitely what I am waiting for next week.
Asia Engineer - Eternal Pose (Short)
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