Wednesday, February 10, 2010

One Piece Ch 574 - *Title removed because of MAJOR SPOILAGE!!!*


*Ok seriously MAJOR spoilers ahead - that's why I've censored the name of this chapter. So please please do not read if you hate spoilers. I know I warn people every week but I don't want to be the cause of spoiling this chapter for you. So please only read if you have read chapter 574!!!*


So where we last left Ace Akainu had thrust his fist into his stomach. So it's not looking good. Seeing the shocked faces of everyone is heart wrenching. So now everyone is after Akainu and Garp's face and reaction is devastating. As Akainu tries to move in for the kill on Ace, Jimbei interferes and I must say his monologue here is fantastic. The panel itself was well drawn and the dialogue was brilliant.

Now Garp's anguish and anger here is expected and as he says "... I'm going to murder... that Sakazuki..." is again, heart wrenching. Vista and Marco using Haki on Akainu was fantastic and at least they were able to immobilise him for at least a few minutes.

And now we move to Luffy and Ace. I liked how Oda made the rest of the battle seem to fade out and just centered in on these two. Ace's monologue here is brilliant. It is a work of art. The mini flashbacks that Ace is having is not a good sign but reinforces how tortured Ace was as a child and how he overcome all of that to become a great pirate. Pages 14-15 got me. Ace's expression here was very well drawn. I know I've used the word brilliant a lot but it was brilliantly drawn. Finally Ace's life has come to an end and it came to an end like a true D. With a smile on his face. Luffy's face of anguish is devastating but I loved how Oda ended the chapter with Ace's birth. It just added even more anguish to the death.

Now I hope I've done this review justice and I hope all of you enjoyed reading it. For those of you who read the review without reading the actually chapter I'm sorry but I did warn everyone. The next 2 reviews will be coming soon so stay tuned.


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Asia Engineer - Eternal Pose (Short)
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