Friday, February 5, 2010

Bleach Ch. 391 - The Blazing Glaciers


So Komamura falls along with Love. Very much expected by Aizen who is still undefeated. To see Aizen deflect these attacks so easily gives us the annoying impression that the Shinigami and Vizard's either aren't trying that hard or are way out of their league. That would be unfortunate as I don't want everything to fall on Ichigo's shoulders again who always ends up being unbelievably strong.

I was happy to see that they didn't just hand the fight over to Ichigo. Even though Lisa ended up joining Komamura and Love at least she attempted to kill Aizen. I found Soi Fon standing up to Aizen very admirable but I had mixed feelings about the clones. The negative aspect was that it reminded me a little too much of Naruto, but the positive aspect was that it was able to distract Aizen while Hitsugaya was able to capture him using his Bankai.

Now I enjoyed seeing Aizen's face filled with shock. That is one emotion that I have waited to see for far too long upon his face. The teamwork between Kyoraku, Soi Fon and Hitsugaya was unbeliveably amazing in this chapter and I believe I enjoyed this chapter a lot more because of that. However I do feel it would be pretty pathetic if that was the end of Aizen (even though I feel this arc has gone on for way to long already). I don't think he's the type to let a sword get the better of him so I guess we'll have to wait and see next chapter.


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