Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Christmas Break!

So everyone has to take a Christmas break and it's time for me to take mine! Since I'm going away to Malaysia and India for the next month or so, I won't have time to review the new chapters so I apologise in advance to those who actually look forward to my reviews!!

But fear not! For I plan to buy as much anime and manga as I can while I am overseas and hopefully, I'll get the chance to review them when I get back!! So stay tuned! There's lots more to come! Keep on reading anime and manga, suggest some if you want them reviewed as well as any AMV's, games or fanart! Until then I hope you all have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!!!
Friday, December 11, 2009

One Piece Ch. 567 - Marine Headquaters, Marineford - Oris Grounds


Ok, let me start off by saying awesome cover art!! It was colourful and quirky, just what you expect from Oda! Moving on to the actual chapter, it's great seeing Whitebeard in action like this. Also seeing his stand up to Aokiji was brilliant, it really emphasises that Luffy has got a lot to learn before he can advance. And seeing Diamond Jos stand up to Aokiji like that, I'm looking forward to that fight. I hope Oda focuses on it soon, it would be a shame to see a fight like that go to waste.

Now Luffy, I'm sorry to say but even though he has so much ambition, that can only get you so far. Sadly, Gear Second doesn't even seem to scratch his opponents anymore. He needs to find a way to take on Kizaru, and I'm hoping that way will involve Haki since he needs to learn how to master that if he wants to journey to New World.

I'm looking forward to seeing Jimbei fight. Since he said that he's decided that this will be the place he'll die, I have a feeling he's going to pull out all stops and I'm looking forward to seeing them. And finally Garp enters the fight. The legendary marine. I can't wait to see him fight, but I hope he doesn't lose sight and lets war come in front of family.

Bleach Ch. 385 - Vice It


So Komamura's Bankai is released. Tousen takes it head on as expected, but before we see anymore of that fight the chapter cuts back to Aizen and Shinji. I must say, this excited me especially the fact that Shinji finally released his Zanpakto's Shikai. I really, really want to see them fight! I must commend Kubo on this part of the chapter. Seeing Shinji stand up to Aizen like that, and saying that his Zanpakto is also able to control people's senses, it makes us wonder how far Shinji is going to go with his Zanpakto before Ichigo has to step in.

Back with the Tousen vs. Komamura fight, it's shown that whenever Komamura's Bankai is injured, Komamura is injured himself. While at this moment the fight between these two may have come to a halt, we learn some important information about Tousen. He reveals that he only became a Shinigami for revenge. Komamura now feels that he's misjudged Tousen and feels he must defeat and kill him for the sake of peace within the Soul Society. I hope that this fight will get serious after this declaration and I was quite happy with the cliff hanger that Kubo left us with this week. Hopefully Tousen's resurrection is worth it next chapter because I would like to see Tousen finally get serious.
Thursday, December 10, 2009

Naruto Ch. 475 - Madara's True Strength


Time for Danzou's and Madara's fight, although I was slightly disappointed that Danzou sent in his cronies to do his dirty work first. It was sort of interesting to see Fu and Torune's techniques but really, how many new techniques can we see?

I was happy to see Gaara to try and knock some sense into Naruto with the meaning of friendship. While there may not have been a lot of action in this specific part of the chapter I thought at least we got to see that Naruto was thinking things over.

Now it gets to the interesting part of the chapter. Danzou vs. Sasuke. While I still wanted to see Danzou vs. Madara, I hope that Danzou vs. Sasuke will do some justice, especially since Danzou has finally revealed his arm. I wonder what having that many Sharingan's on his arm will do. However Kishimoto goes about this in the next chapter, could make or break Naruto. I just hope he develops the fight well.
Wednesday, December 9, 2009

AMV Review - One Piece: Sail On

AMV of the week

Yay! My first ever AMV of the week segment!!So the first AMV that I'm going to be reviewing comes from the anime One Piece. It's called Sail On named after the song called (funnily enough) Sail On. The song was composed by a group called Masterplan and the AMV was made by Many Lemon Productions.

Now this AMV is very fast paced. I found that the video clips were cropped and sped up to match the pace of the song. You can tell that ever little clip was timed to match the lyrics of the song perfectly. I enjoyed the fact that there were points in the AMV when there were different layers of clips layered on top of each other. Now normally, this effect can be overused and it just makes the clip look overcrowded but from 0:15 to 0:25 the use of titles and pictures overlayed on top of the video creates a great intro to the video.

The song Sail On by Masterplan is one of the most suited songs for One Piece to date. If I didn't know better I'd say that it was made especially for the anime. The lyrics 'We always have to sail on' basically sums up one of the most important themes of One Piece; Don't give up. I also liked the use of layering to make it look like various characters are singing the song. Different lines in the song seems to apply to different characters and I'm glad that Many Lemons acted on that and didn't just base the AMV on one character.

I'd say the theme that can be seen in this AMV would be action. More than action, I'd also say that it just wants to show off One Piece in it's glory. While the AMV may not have focused on a specific fight or arc it shows the Straw-Hat pirates passion for their dreams and how none of them will let anything get in the way of that.

Sunday, December 6, 2009

AMV of the Week???

Announcement Time!!!!

So, I've been messing around with new ideas that I could do as 'segments' for my blog. I thought the reviewing of different AMV's may be a good place to start off with as they are not too long and they come in a variety of genres.

So if you are totally lost and don't know what an AMV is it basically stands for Anime Music Video. Simply, creators will edit different scenes from their favourite anime's and put it to music. They will usually try to match up the clips as close to the music as they can. AMV's can be intended to be humorous, or to spoof. They might want to ship a specific couple from the anime or they may want to just focus on a specific arc of the anime.

If anyone has any suggestions of what AMV I should review first, please comment and let me know because I would be glad to! If I don't get any suggestions, I'll most probably dig out one that I have seen and review that. I hope you're all looking forward to it!!
Thursday, December 3, 2009

One Piece Ch. 566 - Fierce Attack


Luffy going up against the 3 Admirals didn't go so well for him. They all got the better of him. I guess that shows that Luffy still has a whole lot to learn about the World Government if he wants to make it to New World. Crocodile really shone here saving Ace in the way that he did. I'm intrigued by the relationship between him and DoFlamingo (other than the fact that Crocodile was once a Shichibukai). I'm looking forward to see how that fight goes, not to mention seeing Marco stand up to the 3 Admirals was amazing!

I really thought that Whitebeard's pirates would have had no hope of getting through the wall but I loved how they made it through. I absolutely loved the fact that Oars ended up carrying the ship through and that finally penetrated through the wall. It's nice to know that Luffy has more back up.

Now that Whitebeard has finally unsheathed his sword, this war is really going to get interesting. Not to mention that he has invoked both Sengoku and Garp into joining the fight now. I would love to see Whitebeard fighting the two of them off, as well as learning what Sengoku's ability actually is. Once again, Oda hasn't failed to present something brilliant.

Bleach Ch. 384 - Can't Fear Your Own Sword


So Tousen ends up using Hollowfication on himself. Not very surprising. I didn't find his Hollow mask the most creative, in fact I thought it was very bland. But it doesn't really matter what it looks like as long as it can do something worthwhile. So far, all of Tousen's 'upgraded' abilities that we saw were nothing out of the ordinary. Very plain. Maybe next chapter we'll get to see more of his new found power.

I did enjoy Hisagi's flashback. He has always been a character shrouded in mystery and it's nice that Kubo shed a little light on his character to make him seem a little more human. But I guess we've all taken a little something from this chapter. Never flashback when the enemy has a sword in his range and can stab you. Because, it will happen!

I hope the next fight isn't all "My Bankai is better so it will defeat you!!!" with no dire consequences to follow after. I would like to see tact used in the fight between Tousen and Komamura, not just charging in head first and paying for it afterwards.

Naruto Ch. 474 - Hokage's Resolution


So finally!! Naruto knows about Konoha's plan to eliminate Sasuke. About time I say. Sai revealing everything to Naruto brings about a breath of fresh air to the plot. Finally we all know what is going on and we can relax. Then Kakashi reveals that Sakura is most probably intending to kill Sasuke herself. I'm not sure how I feel about that bit of plot development. I understand how Sakura is tired of being the 'damsel in distress' and always having to rely on others, but to go after Sasuke?? I ask this question: What chance does she have if Naruto didn't even come close to capturing him??

I am glad that Gaara, Temari and Kankuro finally showed up to fill them in on the Kage's Summit. I hope Gaara, as well as every other character, will be able to finally persuade Naruto to let go of Sasuke. And of course there was never any doubt that Suna would protect the Kyuubi in the first place.

On the other hand, I like the sound of Kakashi for Hokage. He's strong, sensible and would do a good job in cleaning up Danzou's mess. As for Danzou, I'm intrigued by his upcoming fight with Madara. Let's just hope that it's done well and not screwed around with like the Hachibi vs. Kisame.
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I'm a full-time student and part-time reviewer of anime and manga. I try to review as much as I can but sometimes it's hard to because life catches up with me. If you have any requests of any anime/manga/video games/fanart that you would like reviewed, please send me a message and I'll review them as soon as possible!! ^_^
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