Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Christmas Break!

So everyone has to take a Christmas break and it's time for me to take mine! Since I'm going away to Malaysia and India for the next month or so, I won't have time to review the new chapters so I apologise in advance to those who actually look forward to my reviews!!

But fear not! For I plan to buy as much anime and manga as I can while I am overseas and hopefully, I'll get the chance to review them when I get back!! So stay tuned! There's lots more to come! Keep on reading anime and manga, suggest some if you want them reviewed as well as any AMV's, games or fanart! Until then I hope you all have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!!!


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Asia Engineer - Eternal Pose (Short)
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I'm a full-time student and part-time reviewer of anime and manga. I try to review as much as I can but sometimes it's hard to because life catches up with me. If you have any requests of any anime/manga/video games/fanart that you would like reviewed, please send me a message and I'll review them as soon as possible!! ^_^
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