Friday, December 11, 2009

Bleach Ch. 385 - Vice It


So Komamura's Bankai is released. Tousen takes it head on as expected, but before we see anymore of that fight the chapter cuts back to Aizen and Shinji. I must say, this excited me especially the fact that Shinji finally released his Zanpakto's Shikai. I really, really want to see them fight! I must commend Kubo on this part of the chapter. Seeing Shinji stand up to Aizen like that, and saying that his Zanpakto is also able to control people's senses, it makes us wonder how far Shinji is going to go with his Zanpakto before Ichigo has to step in.

Back with the Tousen vs. Komamura fight, it's shown that whenever Komamura's Bankai is injured, Komamura is injured himself. While at this moment the fight between these two may have come to a halt, we learn some important information about Tousen. He reveals that he only became a Shinigami for revenge. Komamura now feels that he's misjudged Tousen and feels he must defeat and kill him for the sake of peace within the Soul Society. I hope that this fight will get serious after this declaration and I was quite happy with the cliff hanger that Kubo left us with this week. Hopefully Tousen's resurrection is worth it next chapter because I would like to see Tousen finally get serious.


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