Sunday, December 6, 2009

AMV of the Week???

Announcement Time!!!!

So, I've been messing around with new ideas that I could do as 'segments' for my blog. I thought the reviewing of different AMV's may be a good place to start off with as they are not too long and they come in a variety of genres.

So if you are totally lost and don't know what an AMV is it basically stands for Anime Music Video. Simply, creators will edit different scenes from their favourite anime's and put it to music. They will usually try to match up the clips as close to the music as they can. AMV's can be intended to be humorous, or to spoof. They might want to ship a specific couple from the anime or they may want to just focus on a specific arc of the anime.

If anyone has any suggestions of what AMV I should review first, please comment and let me know because I would be glad to! If I don't get any suggestions, I'll most probably dig out one that I have seen and review that. I hope you're all looking forward to it!!


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Asia Engineer - Eternal Pose (Short)
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I'm a full-time student and part-time reviewer of anime and manga. I try to review as much as I can but sometimes it's hard to because life catches up with me. If you have any requests of any anime/manga/video games/fanart that you would like reviewed, please send me a message and I'll review them as soon as possible!! ^_^
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