AMV Review - One Piece: Sail On

Yay! My first ever AMV of the week segment!!So the first AMV that I'm going to be reviewing comes from the anime One Piece. It's called Sail On named after the song called (funnily enough) Sail On. The song was composed by a group called Masterplan and the AMV was made by Many Lemon Productions.
Now this AMV is very fast paced. I found that the video clips were cropped and sped up to match the pace of the song. You can tell that ever little clip was timed to match the lyrics of the song perfectly. I enjoyed the fact that there were points in the AMV when there were different layers of clips layered on top of each other. Now normally, this effect can be overused and it just makes the clip look overcrowded but from 0:15 to 0:25 the use of titles and pictures overlayed on top of the video creates a great intro to the video.
The song Sail On by Masterplan is one of the most suited songs for One Piece to date. If I didn't know better I'd say that it was made especially for the anime. The lyrics 'We always have to sail on' basically sums up one of the most important themes of One Piece; Don't give up. I also liked the use of layering to make it look like various characters are singing the song. Different lines in the song seems to apply to different characters and I'm glad that Many Lemons acted on that and didn't just base the AMV on one character.
I'd say the theme that can be seen in this AMV would be action. More than action, I'd also say that it just wants to show off One Piece in it's glory. While the AMV may not have focused on a specific fight or arc it shows the Straw-Hat pirates passion for their dreams and how none of them will let anything get in the way of that.

- Animegal9215
- I'm a full-time student and part-time reviewer of anime and manga. I try to review as much as I can but sometimes it's hard to because life catches up with me. If you have any requests of any anime/manga/video games/fanart that you would like reviewed, please send me a message and I'll review them as soon as possible!! ^_^
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